Dying for Chocolate by Juanita Violini

If you’ve ever wanted to know how to put on mysteries for a large number of people I have the perfect solution for you. My company, Masterpiece Mysteries, is making scripts available for use by other groups. The scenarios are quirky and clever (if I do say so myself – but actually, many others have said so too) and success is just a cap gun away. Along with each script are detailed instructions on everything you need to know logistically, whether you are performing for a fundraiser, a company party or as a theatre group.

  • Hi,
    I would like to look at the three scrip’s for a fundraiser for our Volunteer Fire Dept.
    Would you please send me a few samples. Please have the cost sent also.
    I may want to do a play for Christmas, more on Santa, comedy, etc.

    Thank you,
    Peggy Gentry

    • I’ve sent the script sample you asked for. They are ways you could adapt this to be more Christmas-y. We could chat about that if you are interested. Let me know : )

    • Yes they could be. These are improv scripts so for the most part if they are appropriate or not is completely in the hands of the performers – but of course the subject matter is murder which inevitably includes backstabbing, double crossing, love triangles, and the like. I’ll send a script sample out to you and you can see what the format and scenes are like and then decide if it will work for your group. Please let me know if you have any further questions!

  • Hi- Our church would like to do a murder mystery at the end of Oct. I am interested in the script for Dying For Chocolate.

      • Hi Carrie – I will get a sample right out to you. One performance is $65. Please let me know if you have any questions or wish to chat.

  • Hello,
    We are planning a murder mystery dinner fundraiser to be held at the end of October. I would love to see a sample of Drop Dead Disco.
    Thank you!

  • I am looking for at 30 to 45 minute murder mystery for 4 to 6 high school kids. Most I look at. are too long, or there are too many actors needed for out situation.

  • Hi,

    Looking for a murder mystery script for a cast of 6, 30 mins to 1 hour in length. It is a 14years and over theatre ensemble so themes need to be appropriate for this age. Could you please email me some samples.


    • The Drop Dead Disco & Dying For Chocolate samples should be in your inbox now. The scripts are most often performed during a dinner function but you can run the acts back to back and it will take around 45 minutes. In part, the length of the performance depends on whether you include music or not. How much the actors interact with the audience is another factor. Our scripts work best as ‘improv’ scripts so the actors can memorize the lines and add onto them or just make them up all together so long as the relevant information is gotten out. Let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks for your interest in Mystery Factory.

  • My community theatre is looking for a murder mystery script to use as a fundraiser performance. Please advise the cost and stipulations of use for your script.

    Thank you.

    • Hello Renea – The $65 purchase of the script covers a one time performance fee. If you are having a second or third performance please repurchase the script for each performance to cover royalties. If you are using music, you are responsible to make sure you are operating within the copyright restrictions. There is more about that in the script. I’ll send you a sample of ‘Dying for Chocolate. Send me you number if you want to talk about any adaptions you might want to make. Depending on the size of crowd you are looking to attract you might want to consider ‘Easy Money’ as well. It combines a mystery with a silent auction under the guise of an estate sale at the reading of the will.

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