Serve Your Next Dinner Party with a Twist!

Imagine your posh soirée hijacked by a Butler and Maid duo with more drama than a soap opera. As they fumble through service, their personal comedy unfolds—flying dinner rolls, teary meltdowns, and hilarious outbursts included!You’ve set the scene for elegance, but these two didn’t get the memo! evening they won’t soon forget.

Enter the Butler and the Maid. Catastrophe follows. The Butler has found his true calling. The Maid thinks he has found another woman.

The Butler Did It

As your guests sip their fancy drinks, in bursts the Butler, tripping over his own importance. Oops! The Maid, convinced the Butler’s found a new flame, decides it’s the perfect time for a teary meltdown. Cue the sound of shattering glass from the kitchen – that’s your cue to feign a smile and dash off to “save” the day.

Meanwhile, our dear Butler’s found solace in the wine bottle. “Women!” he proclaims, before dramatically exiting stage left. Your guests’ jaws drop as they realize this isn’t your average snooze-fest of a dinner party.

We’ll provide the script—you bring the laughter. It’s at-home-dinner theater meets improv, with a dash of mayhem for flavor. Transform your stuffy dinner into an unforgettable interactive experience that’ll have friends talking for years.

Ready to turn your dining room into the most hilarious stage in town? Your friends will be talking about this night for years to come.

Your purchase is for one-time performance rights.
If you plan on multiple performances, simply repurchase the script from our website for each additional show to cover royalty charges. Thank you for your co-operation and honesty.

“As part of our licensing agreement, we kindly request that our logo be included on all promotional materials related to productions of this script. This helps maintain the integrity of the work and provides valuable exposure for both the playwright and your production. Your cooperation in preserving the connection between the script and its creator is appreciated. Thank you.” Download logo here.

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  1. Hi can you send me a sample? How long does this last? looking for 2-3 hours.

    • Hi Mason, The Butler Did It; is a dinner party but not a ‘murder mystery’ per se. There is no crime to be solve, but a fun evening with outrageous characters. It could go over 2 hours, with the understanding that not all of the time is filled with ‘action’. The script happens throughout the event of the Butler and the Maid, serve a meal, prepared by the host. How long it lasts depends, in part on how many courses the meal is and how long guests take to eat. I have sent you the info on the script.
      Please let me know if you have any questions after you’ve look the info over.

  2. Could I also see samples of the Butler did it and the saloon?

  3. Susan M Dwyer

    Hello. Can I get a sample of The Butler Did It… thank you

  4. Our community theatre has been asked to do a murder mystery at a local whiskey tasting room.Audience of 30 to 50 people

    • Hi Loween – The Butler Did It isn’t a mystery that needs solving but more of a catastrophe of relationship comedy between the Butler and the Maid as they work your event. I will send you the info for you to check out, and a script sample for Dying for Chocolate and if your client likes, you can add a Chocolate / Whiskey pairing.

  5. Bob Wade

    Looking for a fundraiser for a murder mystery set in the 20s or early 30s.

    I want something highly interactive were maybe the cast members in character are strolling among the crowd.

    And maybe they get clues by paying a dollar or five dollars to each of the cast members.

    The cast members can give them real information or false information.

    Is there a such a script or role-play.

    • Hi Bob – there might be such a script / interplay, but I don’t have one. I could help you write one though : )

  6. Can I get a perusal of ” the butler did it? Just a little look into the dialogue

    • Hi Mary – the information has been sent! There isn’t dialogue per se. It’s more about the things the actors need to talk about, the information that has to be revealed.
      I find that getting the cast together a couple of times before the event, so that they can practise talking to each other and including the information that needs to be shared, is the best way to go. No lines to memorize so less time required to put on a ‘performance’. Also not having set lines makes it easier to include the audience. Let me know if you have any questions after you look it over.

  7. Awesome! Appreciate it!

  8. Hello ! I was asked to do a dinner murder mystery type show for a local bank employee dinner 25-30 people watching. I run a older highschool age theater group ( we do musicals mostly ) The kids are funny , great with improv / comfortable working with audience interaction etc. which of these scripts would you recommend? The show would be Oct 8th so we have time. I have a entire props /costume stash from our big musicals. I would like a lot of audience / actor interaction and great situations for crazy funny improv! Thanks

    • That sounds like so much fun! I’m sending you samples of The Butler Did It (which you can add improv actors to) and Drop Dead Disco.

  9. Andrea L Burton

    I am putting together a silent auction night. This is for an audience of 200-250. This seem really interesting. Can you send me a sample of this script?

    • Hi Andrea – it would take a lot of butlers for a crowd that size! This is more of a house party. I will send you the info and the info for EASY MONEY which is written as a fundraiser. Thanks for your interest.

  10. I would love a sample of the script, thank you!

  11. I am looking for a murder mystery to do with 4 or 5 actors for the Red Hat Society annual gala. There will be bout 100 people there and it needs to be rated pg because there will be several kids there. Needs to be funny and easy to learn the lines. Do you have anything that would fit this?

    • Hi Debby – you can check out Easy Money. Even though it is sold as a fundraiser, it doesn’t have to be done that way … although it’s always nice to make some extra money : ) There are no lines to learn per se as it is an improv script. Information is given, that needs to get out in each scene, and there is some sample dialogue. I prefer writing improv scripts precisely because there is no memorizing for the actors so you don’t need a lot of rehearsals and because improv makes it easier to interact with the audience, which is where a lot of the fun lies. I will email you some information on it. Let me know what you think.

  12. Hello, i am an event planner for restaurants and theaters. Super excited about the opportunity to work with your team In providing us scripts to use for monthly or bi monthly events. Can you provide a sample of your most popular script? How many do you have in total? Look forward to your reply.

  13. Wayne Skeens

    Hi, I’m interested in this – is it possible to get a sample copy please. Looking to perform this in the UK.


    • Hi Wayne – On its way! This makes for a great house party or any gathering really for smaller groups. Please let me know if you have any questions.

  14. Help! I’ve been tasked with creating a murder mystery for a theatre youth group and I’m stumped on the crime scenario, I’m usually pretty good at these but am experiencing crime block, or I’m just overthinking it. Ideally I’d like to stay away from the the typical jealous actor/actress story line. Was thinking that maybe it could be about a musical script that was stolen and now the writer want’s revenge. Would you have any other thoughts or similar scenarios in your vault that you’d be willing to share?

    • When doing mystery scripts I usually have three or four people have motives so you can adjust that to whatever suits your situation. I usually start my plots from the question ‘who dies’ and go from there. Just off the top of my head:

      Let’s say Oscar dies. Oscar is a writer. Leo is also a writer and his motive is he says Oscar stole the script from him. Grace is a composer and her motive is that she says that she wrote the music for the play and Oscar isn’t going to give her any credit or any of the profit. Sam is an aspiring play write and he might kill Oscar so that he can steal the script and sell it as his own. Audrey hates Oscar because he ran over her dog and didn’t even say he was sorry.

  15. Hi, How many actors is this for? Thank you.

  16. julie ryan

    We are a small amateur dramatic group looking for a murder mystery dinner script in collaboration with a local charity. The dinner party guests need to solve the murder and we need a script urgently that doesn’t take a lot of line learning or rehearsals. Help. We have approx 3 male and 5 female actors.

    • Dear Julie – my deepest apologizes for not getting back to you sooner. If it is not too late for your group I would like to send you our Easy Money Script for free to make up for my tardiness. Please let me know the date of your event.

  17. Hello, I would like the sample script for this also. And I read that there is an option to expand this for more people… I would be interested in that as well. Thank you!!

    • You bet. This mystery is better suited to a smaller group in an intimate setting – such as someone’s dining room, or a smaller, private room in a restaurant.

  18. Lourdes Quijada

    hola ….
    SORRY ….forgot to ask a sample of the script “THE BUTLER DID IT ”


    • I will get that right out to you. This mystery works best for smaller groups of people – say 10 to 25 people. There are always ways to expand it of course, so if it is interesting to you, we can email about it more. Thanks Lourdes!

  19. We are looking for something suitable for a church fundraiser – not too bawdy but just bawdy enough to be funny. Looking for about an hour or hour and half long play. Can you make any suggestions?

    • Hi Lisa – because this is an improv script it is as bawdy as your actors make it. It’s not really a play but more of an interactive situation. I’ll send you a sample of the instructions to give you a better idea. ‘Easy Money‘ might suit your event better. I’ll send you info on that too. Thanks for your inquiry!

  20. Hi, are the guests assigned roles or do they just watch and guess as to what is happening. I have hosted assigned role dinner parties from the box kits
    with great fun for all. I was hoping to find something for an anniversary party for about 12-16 people I am thinking that it could be at home or potentially in a restuarant

    • The guests have no assigned roles the way it is played in box games but it is easy enough to give your group characters if you wish, especially if you give the party a theme. You can go with anything from a gangster prohibition theme to a toga party – anywhere a couple of servers are dishing out the food. This particular party is not a mystery per se, because the butler did do it, so there is nothing to figure out but it is a great excuse to for everyone to be a little outrageous and dramatic because the butler and maid are so very outrageous and dramatic.

      In my opinion this would be best done as a house party rather than in a restaurant, perhaps with caterers to save on work for the hosts. The butler and maid would serve the food and disappear into the kitchen for some indiscreet arguing and melodrama which spills over into the party. A great chance for some ‘legitimate’ eavesdropping. You would want to have actors or extroverted friends (one male, one female) not generally known to the rest of your friends and family play the main parts.

      At some time in the future we will have mystery parties available, with clues, etc, for smaller functions but at this time, this is it.

      We also can work with you to write and put on your own mystery party! That can be a very special, unforgettable occasion. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

  21. Carla Allen

    id this suitable for 10-12 year old boys? What is the minimum number of characters needed for this mystery?

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