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Have I disappeared.

No, I have not, but you wouldn’t know it from my blog. One month I will blog regularly but this month is not that month.  Maybe I just haven’t achieved the knack of cleverly, spontaneously, communicating my thought processes onto the keyboard yet. So many other bloggers seem to be able to entertain with their inner processes. Maybe I can hire my daughter to be a guest blogger – she’s very funny.


I really want to blog and espouse my opinion  on many and varied subjects – but two full time jobs is leaving me a little slammed.  In lui of my opinion, I present another tibit from the Trivia Files. (I just made that up).

After evading New York police for a year, Michael LaRock was finally arrested in February 2002, after calling them from Auburn, Georgia to brag that he would never be caught. When he called back a second time, he was startled to find Auburn police at his door. Dispatch supervisor Carol Perry later explained how he was caught: “We have caller ID.”

Where’s my Cow?

The title is twofold – without a cow story in the news for the last few weeks I feel uninspired AND ‘Where’s my Cow’ is the title of a children’s book in a fabulous murder mystery by Terry Pratchet called ‘Thud’. A late comer to Terry Pratchet’s work, I find his my recent books much more readable than his first which were too, um, well, vague in a way but he is definately an author worth taking to bed – if you don’t plan on getting much sleep – oh wait – I mean because you are up all night reading.

In any case, Terry Pratchet is a man who sees behind the veil of consensus reality and if you want read a real manual on magic read his children’s book – ‘The Wee Free Men.’ The BEST! All of his books contain references to ‘higher knowledge’ for those with the ‘ears to hear’ and all that esoteric stuff. The man is frickin brilliant! And now I must go look for my cow.
