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My Opinion on the Books I Read.

Death’s Last Run by Robin Spano

I read mysteries all the time and it occurred to me the it would be something interesting to blog about. My blogging to date has been stilted and plot school centred. This is different.

Nothing so lofty as a book review, but my person opinion of a book I’ve read, based on what I like and dislike AND my experience of writing mystery plots over 30 years of live industrial theatre; plus 60 years of reading whatever I could get my hands on.

DEATH’S LAST RUN by Robin Spano

A delightful find with an edgy, unlikable female lead that you nevertheless care about. If Spano represents the current calibre of Canadian Mystery Writing, we are indeed in a Golden Age. Recommended read for those who like their mysteries light and fast paced with an in-your-face grit.

That’s my opinion.

Bragging Rights

vanessa 2009Every once in a while I want to brag about my children, nothing mysterious about that. And they are hardly children any more either. This brag is about my daughter Vanessa Violini who is running in the BC Provincial Election for the Green Party. She took part in an all candidates debate last night at the Ridge Theatre in Vancouver.

Vanessa is an amazing natural speaker with a passion for people and a call to return to common sense.

The video was taken with a tiny digital camera from eighty feet away. The visual is a bit fuzzy but the audio and the message is loud and clear. If it strikes a note with you, please tell your friends about Vanessa.


Diamonds are Forever

christdiamondA rare blue diamond, hoping to fetch over $8,000,000 US is going up for auction next month in Geneva. This sparkling gem is just over 7 carats, a little littler than a dime.

Cures, curses, catburglars; jewels seem to spin their own stories and I wonder what bit of mythology will attach itself to this relative newcomer. Who pulled this rare diamond from the earth and has their life changed for the better because of it? How many hands will it have passed through before hitting the auction block? Will the new owner ever use the fortune or will it be locked away in a safe, spending its time in a similair darkness from which it came.

Stepping out

note22Ol’ Fred had been a religious man who was in the hospital, near death. The family called their preacher to stand with them. As the preacher stood next to the bed, Ol’ Fred’s condition appeared to deteriorate and he motioned frantically for something to write on.

The pastor lovingly handed him a pen and a piece of paper, and Ol’ Fred used his last bit of energy to scribble a note, then he died. The preacher thought it best not to look at the note at that time, so he placed it in his jacket pocket.

At the funeral, as he was finishing the message, he realised that he was wearing the same jacket that he was wearing when Ol’ Fred died.

He said, “You know, Ol’ Fred handed me a note just before he died. I haven’t looked at it, but knowing Fred, I’m sure there’s a word of inspiration there for us all.”

He opened the note, and read out loud, “Hey, you’re standing on my oxygen tube?”

Inner Honesty

Edgar Watson Howe

“Many a man is saved from being a thief by finding everything locked up.”

Why is it so hard to do the right thing? Why do we rely on externals to decide whether we are honest or not? That’s probably a clue. Our society has taught us to take our cues from the environment rather than our inner guidance – which needs proper parental input to be of much use.
