Easy Money Murder Mystery

Our EASY MONEY Mystery Fundraiser fabulously combines a mystery event and silent auction to give you a playful way to make a profit. Requires 5 actors: either 2 male and 3 female or 3 male and 2 female. Improv actors or enthusiastic amateurs work best.

Grab some props, gather easy costume accessories and follow the director notes with timeline to pull it all together.

We’ll show you how to have a silent auction without begging for items, a script with no memorizing and a relatively small time commitment, plus prizes and surprizes galore.

Email us for an information package.

Easy Money

“Rumours and Riches: A Will Reading to Die For”

Step into the world of Jake Slanders, founder of Rumours – a company that turned gossip into gold. Now Jake’s dead, and his fortune is up for grabs!

Join a cast of eccentric characters as they gather for the reading of Jake’s will:

  • Vee Van Eck: Jake’s lawyer with a venomous pen and deadly secrets
  • Jekyll Slanders: Jake’s son, a disgraced scientist with a volatile mix of ambition and instability
  • Jazz Slanders: Jake’s daughter, a yoga instructor with a talent for making wallets disappear
  • Blast Slanders: Jake’s brother, an explosives expert with a short fuse
  • Fleur Flowers: Jake’s ex-partner, whose business acumen is as sharp as her scissors

As Vee reveals shocking truths and a surprise inheritance, the heirs’ greed turns deadly. Who among them is desperate enough to kill for a fortune built on rumours?

This thrilling package includes everything you need for a night of mystery, betrayal, and dark comedy. Perfect for parties, team-building events, or anyone looking to add a twist of intrigue to their evening!

Uncover the truth behind the Rumours – if you dare!

Read more about how our scripts work.

Customer Service is a priority for us here at Mystery Factory. All of our scripts and parties come with online support. Just contact us if you have any questions about the mystery or need help adapting the scripts or instructions.

Instant Download – Party On!

Your secure Paypal payment will bring you right to your Download page where the Easy Money PDF will be waiting for you. We’ll send you an email with the download link, too.

Your purchase is for one-time performance rights.

If you plan on multiple performances, simply repurchase the script from our website for each additional show to cover royalty charges. Thank you for your co-operation and honesty.

“As part of our licensing agreement, we kindly request that our logo be included on all promotional materials related to productions of this script. This helps maintain the integrity of the work and provides valuable exposure for both the playwright and your production. Your cooperation in preserving the connection between the script and its creator is appreciated. Thank you.” Download logo here.





  1. Michelle Stambaugh

    Looking for a fundraiser evening at our church to raise money for kids/youth camp. Would love a sample script and any information/guidance you can provide!

    • Hi Michelle! Will get the script sample emailed right out to you. Look it over and then we can have a free call and I can answer any questions you might have and we can just chat about logistics and what not until you feel well informed on murder mysteries as fundraisers.

  2. Would love to get more information about this script! Am I able to preview a bit of it perhaps?

  3. Can you send me a sample to review for easy money as a fund raiser.

    Thank you!

  4. Interested in Easy Money for a murder mystery dinner theater. Please send more information. Thank you!

  5. Barbara Murphy

    We are trying to put together a fundraiser mystery dinner theater for hopefully a large crowd and would like an example of Easy Money and what the download includes. Also let me know if you have any new “clean” mysteries that might work for us we are a church group. Thank you so much.

    • HI Barbara – I’ll get the sample of Easy Money right out to you. All of our mysteries are ‘clean’ with the understanding that they are murder mysteries so … all the characters have a motive of some kind. That said, they are improv scripts, which give out the details that need to be released in each scene and a few sample lines of dialogue. This means the actors can add or use their own lines and make them as family friendly or as risque as they judge their audience would be appreciative of. Letting the audience know that Joe just got out of jail or that Donna doesn’t love her fiancé any more will need to be said but how they say it is up to the actors. I’ll send you a sample from Drop Dead Disco as well and you will see what I mean. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

  6. Connie Norman

    Hello – I recently wanted to see the example for the Butler Did It and Dying For Chocolate, and I thank you for sending them, but neither one of those will be quite right, I don’t think. Could you send me the example info for Easy Money and Drop Dead Disco, please. Thank you.

  7. Hi, please could I have a sample of Easy Money and how it incorporates the silent auction. Could I also have a sample of the Drop Dead Disco.
    I am looking to run a fundraising event for families/teens, so 50-60 people at tables and a small group of teenage amateur actors.

    • Hi Jen, Absolutely. This scripts are great for amateur actors. You just need people who like to talk, be dramatic and the centre of attention. I will get the script samples right out to you. Let me know if there are any follow-up questions.

      • Hi, have you sent this by email as it has not arrived. Thanks Jen

        • Hi Jen – What email did you use for your purchase info and when did you purchase it. I don’t see anything from the email attached to your comment above. When you purchase a script, your receipt contains the link to the download so you get it right away. I’ll send you an email showing you where to click.

  8. Hello, we are looking to incorporate this theme as entertainment for our dinner silent auction. We are wondering if this requires a lot of time involvement throughout the event. We want to make sure that it does not require so much time for each table that they do not have time to be bidding on auction items or not time to visit with people at table or at the event. Can we get some more info and sample script please?

    • Hi Jamie – The silent auction doesn’t require any additional time but takes place throughout the event as people mingle and eat and enjoy the mystery scenes. Traditional silent auctions have paper bid sheets beside each item, where bidders manually write their bids for that item. This fundraising process takes place throughout the evening as the guests browse the table(s) with the items and place a bid on those they want, returning periodically to see if anyone has placed a higher bid and then bid again, if they wish. Bids are placed on items during a set timeframe. After the auction closes, the highest listed bidder for each item wins. I will send you a script sample and that might clarify how the mystery and the auction work together.

      • Could I get the same info? This sounds entertaining and fun for a money maker!

        • It is fun and entertaining! Thanks for your interest! Please let me know if you have any questions after you read it over.
          I’m available for online / text assistance from wondering-whether-to-purchase to performance, so let the questions fly if you have them.
          I’ve sent you the attachment.
          At Your Service,

  9. I run a local inclusive theater company and we are looking to put on a fundraiser this fall. I was looking at Easy Money. Can you send me a sample script so that I can take a look

    • I love the inclusiveness!
      I’ve sent the script sample. After you look it over, please feel free to send me your questions.

  10. Hi
    We are in the UK and are interested in putting on a murder mystery evening as a fundraiser for our daughter who is raising money to travel to Costa Rica with her school and Camps International.
    Please can you send me some more information on how this works and a sample of the script.
    Thanks so much

    • You bet! Info on Easy Money is headed to your inbox. Let me know if you have any questions after you check it out.
      Super idea to help your daughter out!

  11. Bridgit Moore

    Can I please get a sample script? Thanks!

  12. Hello! I am looking for an economical fundraiser for my HS group. This would be a first for us, but we want something that is fun for us and our audience. I love interactive theatre and need something that includes audience participation.

    We are a very small HS group, less than 200 kids 9-12 grade. We have very few opportunities for fundraising so we need something that isn’t too expensive but will draw a crowd. Could you please send me a sample script and financial details for this script? Thank you in advance.

  13. Bernadette Christy

    I would like a sample script. This is for a teen drama club. Is Easy Money considered “clean” as in language and suggestion.

    • Hi Bernadette – the script sample for Easy Money has been sent to your email. It is an improv script with (some dialogue include) which means that each scene is laid out with the information that needs to be given to the audience and the actors practise saying it in ways that work for them. Language and subject matter is ‘clean’. Basically it is about the ‘Last Will & Testament’ of a character who has passed on and his wacky heirs; including a mad scientist. The script sample will give you more details.
      Please let me know if you have any questions as checking it out. This is for four actors but if you want to make the cast bigger we can chat on the phone and I can tell you how to do that if you like.

  14. Keith Simpson

    Hi, I am going to produce a Mystery Dinner Theatre Fun Fundraiser at a Church and wanted to inquire about getting a sample script for Easy Money. We could also incorporate a Silent Auction into the event. I am intrigued by the improve elements of your scripts and would like to read more how this is actually done in the performance.

    • Hi Keith – for sure. Easy Money is built around the Silent Auction as an estate sale in the Last Will and Testament of Jake Slanders. It’s a lot of fun. I’ll get that right out to you!

  15. Taylor Gilman

    Hello! Can I get a sample of this? Thank you!

  16. Tammy penton

    This sounds like exactly what I’m looking for could you please send a sample script?

  17. Kevin Kane

    This looks great. We are looking for a fair amount of humor intertwined throughout the productions. Can you comment? A sample of the script would be most helpful.

    • Hi Kevin – these are improv scripts with humour set-up into them but the true belly laughs will come from the actors as they interact with each other and the audience.
      The character relationships to each other and information that needs to be revealed in each scene is base they have to work from, with some sample dialogue to get things started but not a lot of lines to memorize. I’ll send you a sample and you will see what I mean.

  18. We are a fledging senior community that would like to try a murder mystery event. I think Easy Money might work. Could you send me a sample script?

    We also might be interested in a custom script tied to our community. Could you quote a cost?
    Thank you very much!

    • Hi Annette – I will get that script info right out to you!
      The cost of custom scripts vary depending on how much work I do and how much work you do. Initially we would talk on the phone and decide who dies, how, why, who the suspects are and like that.
      Then I can either tell you what needs to happen in each scene and send you a brief outline to fill out with your team or I can write it up. This is somewhat time consuming and adds to the cost significantly. Ditto with the clues. I can tell you which clues to make (a blackmail note, a plane ticket receipt and like that) – fun for someone with a creative bend, or I can come up with some simple clues. Cost relates directly with time spent. The initial call or two plus a rough draft of what to do when and what kind of clues you need to make cost $150.

      The scripts are improv, so each scene just needs to say what happens in that scene: George accuses Sam of being a snitch because he got out of jail early … and like that. You and your actors / team come up with lines; you don’t have to write dialogue to be memorized – it’s better just to practise saying different ways of saying things. Let me know if you want to chat on the phone. I’m travelling right now so it’s a bit tricky to get a time but I’m sure we can work something out. Talking in person often makes things clearer than writing about it.

  19. Alison Barratt

    Could you send me a sample script for Easy Money please

  20. Can you send me a perusal script please?

  21. Can we have a sample to peruse please?

  22. Mike Malone

    I have been asked to helm a murder mystery dinner theatre fundraiser for the local Boys & Girls Clubs, and Easy Money looks like it might be a good fit. I think a silent auction would fit nicely into the evening. Could I have a sample script?

  23. Carrie Perkins-Schnicker

    Hello, I would like to see a sample script for Easy Money please

  24. Interested in your Easy Money Script, could you send me a sample?

  25. We are doing an Autism Fundraiser with a silent auction and a few items for a live auction. I would like to incorporate a murder mystery as the entertainment for the event. Is this possible?

  26. We are interested in having a mystery theft as part of our silent auction fundraising dinner. We already have auction items including a hand painted mandala that we would like to be the “stolen” masterpiece. This dinner is being held in honor of two teenagers who are trying to raise funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Just wondering if you feel the script could be easily adapted to work with our event.

    • It would be best to start fresh with a theft as the crime from the beginning. When is your function date? Do you have one yet? I could help you write one from scratch if that is of any interest to you. Let me know if you want to chat.

  27. Sandy Mitchell

    We just used the “Easy Money” script for a murder mystery dinner theater and auction fundraiser at our church. Our fundraiser went so well, and we raised over $18,000 for our local and foreign mission projects! The crowd LOVED it!

  28. Bonnie MacKenzie

    HI, we are interesting in a murder mystery for our fundraiser. Our organization is the West End Coal Harbour Community Policing Centre and we are holding the fundraiser at the Best Western Sands Hotel, Davie Street, Vancouver on Thursday Nov 6th. The theme of the evening is “Murder at the Sands, Final Act “.

    I would like to discuss with you options for the evening. However, before proceeding I must state that our budget for the entertainment is fixed at $1200 and cannot exceed the budgeted amount. If you are able to provide some options within our price range, please contact me.
    Bonnie MacKenzie

    • Hi Bonnie – I’m pretty sure we can help you out. There are a variety of ways to run Mystery Fundraisers; all of them a lot of fun and very successful. Sounds like you already have an idea of what you want the evening to look like. I’ll give you a call and we can come up with some ideas that will work for you.

  29. We are trying to do a fundraiser for our church. Hoping to do some type of mystery evening.
    Any suggestions?
    Ank you

    • I have lots of suggestions. It works best if we talk on the phone to start so that I know the perimeters you are working with. Email me your number and a couple of good times to call. jrv(at)mysteryfactory.com

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